Friday, March 27, 2015

John Carpenter's The Thing

This week we watched John Carpenter's The Thing. A movie about an alien that mimics life forms from earth at the peril of a very beardy Kurt Russell. I've seen this movie several times and its prequel and I like them both. This film more than its prequel though.

Anyway the first thing I want to talk about is the special effects. Yes they are a little 80's and some of the creature effects are a little plastic looking. But for the time it was awesome. I just have one thing to say in defense of that. Bloodcicles. That's right icicles of blood. Frozen so fast that they are still connected to the veins that they sprang from. And it was f'ing glorious. Sure at times the blood looked like strawberry syrup...but there was just so much of it that it didn't put me kind of made me want some ice cream though.

I would also like to put forth two alternate titles for this film. The first 'A Series of Bad Decisions.' Because seriously this movie would not have happened if they hadn't made so many bad choice. Bad decision number one: Let's take Ina stray dog (it's not like it could be sick or anything) . Bad decision number two: let's bring the half burnt mutated body back from the Norwegian camp (what could possibly go wrong?). Bad decision number three: Let's just let this stray dog wander about (because letting it do whatever it wants is a great plan). And last but not least bad decision number four: Let's keep the bodies around and hope they are dead. See nothing but bad choices.

My second offering for a title is 'Kill It! Kill It With Fire!' Because seriously...they got to flame throwers pretty fast. Why would they even have a flame thrower up there? I'm not sure why, and I'm not complaining (because flame throwers are awesome) but they she got to kill it with fire pretty quick.

The last thing I want to talk about is the legacy this movie has left. Show of hands, who like the  Resident Evil franchise (movies or games)? *Hops up and down waiving hands* I know I do. Now look at how the aliens open up to eat. Then look at how the symbiotes in Resident Evil open up (specifically the dogs). Is see a clear lineage there. One clearly inspired the other. Which is awesome. It also shows how influential this movie really is. Aliens to symbiotes. Monsters all. What a beautiful horrifying connection.

Over all I really like this film. That said it is not my favorite Carpenter film. That would be Vampires. And if you haven't seen it you should. It's awesome. Anyway this movie was awesome, and dated or not this movie is assume too.

Works Cited
The Thing. Dir. John Carpenter. Perf. Kurt Russell. 1982. DVD
Resident Evil. Dir. Paul W. S. Anderson. Perf. Milla Jovovich. 2002. Blu-Ray
Vampires. Dir. John Carpenter. Perf. James Woods. 1998. DVD

1 comment:

  1. Although I feel differently about this movie than you did (i.e., I'm not a fan after my first viewing), I did enjoy the blood icicles. They were a great example of show, don't tell. How cold is it? THAT cold! On the other hand, all these men walking around bare-faced seemed to suggest it actually WASN'T that cold. But still, it was a nice demonstration, and I appreciated it.
